To: Customers purchasing Stain HD products
It is our intention to change the Manufacturing Process of the products listed below. The details of the change and the reason for it are given below.
If you have any difficulties or concerns accepting the change, please contact us immediately.
Product: Stain HD Dyes and Stains
Product codes: HD codes, HS codes, HDS codes, HK codes
Proposed Change Date: 12 April 2022
Change Details:
An alternative bottle has been approved and may be used to supply 500ml and 1L volumes to customers.
Reason for Change:
Due to the current extraordinary circumstances of Covid-19 pandemic, world-wide shortage of plastics products and their constituent polymers, escalating oil prices and conflict in Ukraine we are currently unable to obtain HDPE bottles from our US supplier for use with 500ml and 1L volumes of products.
Instead, we will be supplying 500ml and 1L volumes of products in HDPE bottles from a UK supplier.
The UK supplier of bottles for both volumes is already an approved supplier with TCS Biosciences.
Although the bottles are different shapes, there is no difference between the two bottle types in terms of plastic used, both are manufactured using HDPE.
Our internal leak testing included filling bottles with aqueous and solvent-based stains, then storing the bottles inverted for at least 2 weeks. At the end of the test there was no evidence of leakage from any of the bottles.
We reserve the right to package our 500ml and 1L volume Stain HD products in HDPE bottles from either of two approved suppliers to ensure we can continue to provide these products to our customers.
Apr 2022