To: Customers and Distributors of Selectrol
It is our intention to change the Manufacturing Process of the products listed below. The details of the change and the reason for it are given below.
If you have any difficulties or concerns accepting the change, please contact us immediately.
Product: MM69 Candida glabrata NCPF 3309 / ATCC® 2001
Product code: MM69-10 (10 disc)
Proposed Change Date: January 2022
Change Details:
MM69 is going to become obsolete from the Selectrol product range. We estimate our current stocks will have sold out by Jan 2022.
Reason for Change:
NCPF are unable to supply this strain as Generation 0 (zero) in order for us to produce a 1st generation product in the form of Selectrol discs. There are no alternative strains of the same name available to use in replacement.
Dec 2021